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the 100 thousand euros of insurance #finsubito richiedi mutuo fino 100%

On Wednesday at 4pm the prosecutor Marco Cocco will return to the Uta prison to continue the interrogation of Igor Sollai , the 43 year old who confessed to the murder of his wife Francesca Deidda , the 42 year old who disappeared from San Sperate on 10 May and whose remains were found on 18 July in a bag near the old 125, in the countryside between Sinnai and San Vito.

Ten days ago, after months of denial, Sollai confessed during a long interrogation that lasted over 4 hours.

On Wednesday, questions will focus on the motive for the crime. So far, Sollai has reconstructed the murder, which took place at home while the woman was on the couch, and how he hid the body. He has said nothing about why he hit her to death with a hammer. He spoke only of an argument: ” I can’t understand what I did, it seems impossible to me ,” he said, also saying that he acted alone.

The Prosecutor’s hypothesis is that the murder was motivated by economic reasons. According to the prosecutors , Sollai had another woman and wanted to cash in on the life insurance policy he had signed with his wife, worth approximately 100 thousand euros .

In the meantime, both the results of the entomologist’s tests and the results of the unrepeatable tests carried out by the Carabinieri of the ROS and the specialists of the RIS on the seized computer equipment, on the findings and the traces of blood found in the house and on the car of the 43-year-old have been filed.

(Online Union)

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