2024.11.16 15:10 Rickkins1 Toronto couple fights over Taylor Swift tickets in divorce settlement
2024.11.16 15:06 Maleficent_Spot_7215 Rich celebrities humiliating themselves selling crap online?
Gordon Ramsay must be quite well off, yet he’s selling crappy frying pans on Instagram in really cringy ads.
Larry David was selling FTX crypto shit, and Taylor Swift was considering doing the same too.
Do these people actually need an extra million or so that much? Can’t they do without the humiliation?
submitted by Maleficent_Spot_7215 to redscarepod [comments]
2024.11.16 15:06 netocrat Meet the best-dressed Taylor Swift fans, who made the whole place shimmer at the Eras Tour in Toronto
2024.11.16 14:57 BlueberryPi4 Buying – MAJOR ISO 2x Eras Tour any night
MAJOR ISO 2 tickets tonight (Nov 16), or any next weekend. I’m from Toronto and would do anything to see The Eras Tour in my hometown. Will cover the fees for paypal goods & services & would pay up to $1000CAD. 🙏
submitted by BlueberryPi4 to TorontoTickets [comments]
2024.11.16 14:53 pugsnotdrugs4ever Merch Sizing Chart
I searched this thread and can’t find the information so asking: Is there a sizing chart available at the merch stand? Just looking for the Eras Tour tshirt.
I checked the official merch website and didn’t see a sizing chart either. Hoping for some guidance on what size someone who is normally an “Old Navy large” would be in the Eras tshirt. I don’t want it sloppy big. Thank you!
submitted by pugsnotdrugs4ever to erastour [comments]
2024.11.16 14:41 CelebBattleVoteBot2 Taylor Swift vs Candice Swanepoel
submitted by CelebBattleVoteBot2 to CelebbattlePolls [comments]
2024.11.16 14:37 Samurai_Mac1 rule
2024.11.16 14:36 Fearless_Carrot_7351 “The Do-Over” by Lynn Painter
I’m checking out the Gilmore girl references in this teen rom com. Although so far I’m finding more Taylor swift than GG… in case anyone was looking for book ideas!
“What about you? Job?” “I work at Hex Coffee.” “Really? Huh — I’m surprised I’ve never seen you there.” “You go there a lot?” “No. I actually hate coffee.” That made me snort. “Of course you do.” “I’m more of a tea guy.” “Lying again?” “I seriously drink four to five cups of Sleepyime every day.” “You have to be lying.” “Swear to God.” I tried picturing him drinking tea and frankly, it was too arable. He gave off strong Jess Mariano vibes when he talked about books, and the tea just made it bigger. I said, “I hate tea. ”
submitted by Fearless_Carrot_7351 to GilmoreGirls [comments]
2024.11.16 14:36 veil18 Taylor Swift vs Candice Swanepoel
2024.11.16 14:32 EurekaStockade 1465/—Prediction– Twenty Second November Twenty Twenty Four Taylor Swift Concert Stampede in Canada = 911
In this post I explain how a Stampede signals a Nuclear Accident on Taylor Swift’s birthday–
STAMPEDE= 133 NUCLEAR ACCIDENT= 133 CHILDLESS LADY= 133 . 22 Nov= 11 months 9 days after Taylor Swift’s birthday on 13 Dec 9 months 11 days after Super Bowl on 11 Feb Kansas City won Super Bowl –Kansas footballer Travis Kelce is Taylor Swift’s fake boyfriend TWENTY SECOND NOVEMBER TWENTY TWENTY FOUR TAYLOR SWIFT CONCERT STAMPEDE IN CANADA= 911 . Feb 11= 2/11-— Super Bowl HUMAN STAMPEDE= 211 TAYLOR SWIFT ERAS= 211 . I have been predicting for some time they will stage a Stadium/ Concert Stampede— Triggered by fake mobile phone emergency message which will be blamed on Chinese hackers TAYLOR SWIFT ERAS TOUR CONCERT–87 CHILDREN WILL BE TRAMPLED TO DEATH= 911 ERAS anagram for ARSE TORONTO TAYLOR SWIFT DISASTER= 322 22 Nov= 2 years 23 days after the Seoul Crush on 29 Oct 2022–excluding Leap day Dead Children 33 days before Christmas https://preview.redd.it/1wio6xshr81e1.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=2900b5f519764fa914fae6984344401a82f71a3e . https://preview.redd.it/sh800spkr81e1.png?width=338&format=png&auto=webp&s=179c2af36b437a4b086a46f63a35d5245abd0897 . https://preview.redd.it/t257x1pmr81e1.png?width=332&format=png&auto=webp&s=99ed453e85a2ff6666d4b75a12f5c45f6b9552fc How Globalists signalled a Stampede– 21 Jan= 21/1 VALENTINES DAY MASSACRE= 211 HUMAN STAMPEDE= 211 21 Jan 2024– Taylor Swift’s boyfriend Travis Scott made the Love Heart sign to Swift during a match I predicted the Love Heart was signalling Valentines day— Right on schedule– 14 Feb 2024– Mass shooting during Super Bowl parade in Kansas City on Valentines day Naturally Travis Kelce was nowhere to be seen–wasnt it considerate of the shooter to wait until all the celeb footballers left before starting the shooting Travis Kelce’s number is 87 DEAD CHILDREN= 87 TAYLOR SWIFT ERAS TOUR CONCERT–87 CHILDREN WILL BE TRAMPLED TO DEATH= 911 https://preview.redd.it/7f17zjj2o81e1.png?width=288&format=png&auto=webp&s=19e3417f6f4f4392942395c41142c931f701bde4 HEART SIGN= 142 14 Feb= 14/2-— Valentine’s Day Taylor Swift had her acting debut in a 2010 movie titled– Valentines Day 22 Nov 2024– Taylor Swift Stampede 2 months 23 days later– 14 Feb 2025– Valentines Day Global Internet Blackout FOURTEEN FEBRUARY TWENTY TWENTY FIVE A WORLD WIDE VALENTINES DAY INTERNET BLACKOUT = 911 . 2 Nov= 2/11– Ariana Grande arrived in Australia (Oz) to promote the movie WICKED HUMAN STAMPEDE= 211 22 May 2017– Manchester Bombing during Ariana Grande concert in UK 22 May= 223 days left in the year–Skull & Bones date . 7 June 2024– Media reported a Swift Quake during her concert in Scotland Where the stamping of her fans feet supposedly created a mini quake– total BS TAYLOR SWIFT QUAKE= 223 SEVENTH JUNE TWENTY TWENTY FOUR TAYLOR SWIFT CAUSED AN EARTHQUAKE IN SCOTLAND= 911 . 7 June 2024– Taylor Swift Concert Quake TAYLOR SWIFT= 168 168 days later– 22 Nov– Prediction– Swift Stampede TWENTY SECOND NOVEMBER TWENTY TWENTY FOUR TAYLOR SWIFT CONCERT STAMPEDE IN CANADA= 911 . Timeline— 21 July 2023– Taylor Swift concert ‘quake’ in Seattle 322 days later– 7 June 2024– Taylor Swift concert ‘quake’ in Scotland 322 days later– 25 April 2025– Global Economic Crash 11 months 9 days after Dow Jones hit 40,000 points for the first time ever on 16 May 2024 TWENTY FIVE APRIL TWENTY TWENTY FIVE PENSION FUNDS CRASH= 666 . CHILDREN CRUSHED= 254 CHRISTMAS DISASTER= 254 25 April= 25/4 PENSION FUNDS CRASH= 254 US CURRENCY CRASHED = 254 25 APRIL 2025 MOTHER OF ALL GLOBAL ECONOMIC DISASTERS= 666 . keep an eye on— 9 Dec– Prediction— Taylor Swift announces she’s pregnant Dec 9= 12/9 TAYLOR SWIFT= 129 OVULATION= 129 9 DECEMBER 2024 TAYLOR SWIFT ANNOUNCES SHE IS PREGANANT= 666 Birth of a New World war 2 months 23 days later– 4 March 2025– WW3 119 days after the 2024 US Election NATO will be 911 Months Old FOUR MARCH TWENTY TWENTY FIVE NATO/ RUSSIA WORLD WAR THREE= 666 . In my next post I explain how Globalists plan to stage a Nuclear Accident on Taylor Swift’s birthday 13 Dec THERE WILL BE A NUCLEAR POWER PLANT MELTDOWN ON TAYLOR SWIFT’S 35TH BIRTHDAY= 911 submitted by EurekaStockade to conspiracy [comments] |
2024.11.16 14:25 Low_Gap_5426 I’m selling my x2 Taylor Swift tickets on Tonight November 16 at Roger’s Centre- Toronto,ON, Canada
submitted by Low_Gap_5426 to TicketResale [comments]
2024.11.16 14:24 Low_Gap_5426 I’m selling my x2 Taylor Swift tickets on Tonight November 16 at Roger’s Centre- Toronto,ON, Canada
submitted by Low_Gap_5426 to Tickets [comments]
2024.11.16 14:11 Fancy-Advice-2793 Why wasn’t Taylor Swift reported for dating Chris who is a minor?
Chris wanted a date to the prom and he made a video to get Taylor’s attention. Taylor ended up replying to his message saying she would love to go to the dance with him. She met the Griffins family who aren’t concerned that their 14 year old son is dating a woman in her late 20″s. They were kissing out in the open and holding hands. Unfortunately Taylor Swift ends up dumping Chris and to add insult to injury she made a song criticizing him for his gross habits like how some animals give him boners. The Griffins can get Taylor Swift into hot water by telling everyone that she dated a minor and that she kisses him in front of witnesses and for slander because of her music video.
submitted by Fancy-Advice-2793 to familyguy [comments]
2024.11.16 13:38 Rea_kun16 taylor swift 1989 rsd or other rsd vinyl
hi, can someone please sell a taylor swift rsd vinyl (excluding fearless). i offer you $100. if somebody want to sell, message me in private.
submitted by Rea_kun16 to vinyl [comments]
2024.11.16 13:01 ldotpng i’ll take things that didn’t happen for 500
2024.11.16 12:56 Reasonable-Call4272 Recreated Taylor Swift’s Vogue Cover Look With Real Flowers
2024.11.16 12:48 bensarpiro2 What if Taylor feud with Kanye resulted in Electoral Deadlock?
2024.11.16 12:46 wiredmagazine Taylor Swift Fans Sue Ticketmaster for Price Gouging
2024.11.16 12:45 wiredmagazine Taylor Swift Fans Sue Ticketmaster for Price Gouging
The plaintiffs allege that Ticketmaster and Live Nation’s conduct amounts to a violation of the RICO Act. The legislation was famously used in the 1980s by the US Department of Justice to bring down high-ranking members of the New York mafia.
In bringing a RICO claim, the fans are “attacking from different fronts,” opening up an additional possible avenue through which they could win a favorable ruling—and the compensation they claim to be owed, lawyers in the case say.
Read the full story here: https://www.wired.com/story/taylor-swift-fans-sue-ticketmaster-lawsuit-rico/
submitted by wiredmagazine to TaylorSwift [comments]
2024.11.16 12:40 BEEPIESNEEPIE Needed to try this striped shirt
2024.11.16 12:39 BEEPIESNEEPIE Fit for my monthly adventure
2024.11.16 12:33 Sellables Taylor vs Elonia
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