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Rimini overwhelms Pontedera 5-1: vertical collapse for the Granata in Serie C #finsubito richiedi mutuo fino 100%


RIMINI (3-5-2): Colombi; Megelaitis, Gorelli, Longobardi; Cioffi (10′ st Malagrida), Parigi (34′ st Cernigoi). Subs: Vitali, Bellodi, Semeraro, Jallow, Lombardi, Ubaldi. Coach Buscè.

PONTEDERA (4-2-3-1): Tantalocchi; Gagliardi (1′ st Ambrosini), Pretato (32′ st Maggini), Martinelli (10′ st Sala), Perretta; Guidi, Ladinetti; Cerretti, Pietra (1′ st Corona), Ianesi; Italeng. Subs: Calvani, Vivoli, Manzini, Benucci. Coach Menichini.

Referee: Ear of Brindisi.

Scorers: 12′ pt Parigi on penalty, 37′ pt Garetto, 40′ pt Farbo; 19′ st Pretato, 21′ st Cioffi, 31′ st Garetto.

Note: Pretato, Megelaitis; corners 2-3.

Finanziamo strutture per affitti brevi

Gestiamo strutture per affitto breve

More than continuity. A Rimini il Pontedera collapsed vertically (5-1), making the large success over Spal isolated, as it should not have been, and coming out humiliated in the score and in terms of character. It was a dangerous step backwards, a total disaster from which nothing and no one can be saved on a day when it was instead necessary to strengthen a ranking that seemed to have become more hopeful after the 5-1, this time in favor, on Monday.

Instead, any illusion of granting an encore vanished already at the end of an unwatchable first half, probably the worst of these 18 days, even though Menichini fielded the same formation and the same men who had crushed Spal. However, an inexplicably soft, timid team with obvious limitations took to the field, which took just 12 minutes to compromise everything: Ianesi gifted a clearance to the opponents, the former Cioffi flew into the area and fell on Ladinetti’s tackle. From the images it seemed like a very generous penalty (not to say non-existent), but Parigi didn’t care and hit the target.

Faced with the inability to react, the Rimini took just 4 minutes to close the game, highlighting all the shortcomings of a defense – the goals conceded are now 31: an exaggeration – that first was found completely unbalanced on Garetto’s “scoop” and then was surprised by Fabro’s header. In the second half, with the switch to 4-2-4 and Pretato’s header on a corner by Ianesi, there seemed to be a glimmer of pride, but the former Cioffi and Garetto’s personal doubling (in the middle there was the penalty kicked high by Cernigoi) brought the curtain down on the worst defeat of the season for the Granata, who hit the crossbar with Corona in the 36th minute.

Hoping that yesterday we hit rock bottom, now there is only one way: beat Perugia and Legnago, the last games of 2024 and both at home, and then operate in depth in the January market. Because to stay in Serie C In any case, a super second half of the season will be needed. And a super team.

Stefano Lemmi

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