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Sassari, 20-year-old dies at home after an evening with friends: waiting for the autopsy #finsubito richiedi mutuo fino 100%

The autopsy will provide an answer to the causes of death of Zouhair Lamouna, known to all as Zuzu, the twenty-year-old originally from Morocco, found lifeless on Sunday evening at his parents’ house, in his bed, in Sassari. The autopsy ordered by the Prosecutor’s Office will be performed in the next few days at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Sassari, by the doctor Giovanni Sciarrotta.

The examination will try to understand the cause of death of the young man who, according to the initial investigations of the Flying Squad of the Sassari Police Headquarters, had returned home on Sunday at dawn, after spending the night with friends. In the late afternoon his parents opened the door to his room and found him on the bed, lifeless. They called for help, but there was nothing more they could do.

The police and the coroner arrived on the scene. From an initial analysis on the body, no signs of violence or trauma were found. The prosecutor Lara Senatore ordered the seizure of the body and an autopsy.

In the meantime, Zuzu’s friends have mobilized and organized a collection to help the family . They have organized two collection points in two bars that the young man used to frequent, at the Garibaldi hemicycle, in the center of Sassari.

“He came here with his friends, they laughed and joked while sitting at the tables,” recall the owners of Café Garibaldi, Giusy and Simone. “He was always smiling , we gladly accepted to be able to participate in the collection to help the family.” Even in the other place, The Room, they knew Zuzu: “He worked here in the kitchen a year ago ,” recall the owners, “we hadn’t seen him for a while. We are very sorry for the tragedy.”

(Online Union)

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